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How many does it take to tango? -- Critical mass phenomena in the analysis of chemotactic aggregation

发布时间:2022-03-28 浏览量:52

时   间:  2022-03-28 15:00 — 16:00

地   点:  Zoom APP()
报告人:  Michael Winkler
单   位:  University of Paderborn (Germany)
邀请人:  陶有山
备   注:  Zoom meeting: ID: 869 611 1075 Passcode: sjtu1234

Critical mass phenomena belong to the most striking subtleties in Keller-Segel type aggregation dynamics. Starting from classical findings concerned with two-dimensional problems, the presentation aims at describing some recent developments which confirm crucial roles of total population sizes in a large number of contexts. In particular, the presence $L^1$ thresholds in some higher-dimensional problems is discussed, as well as the occurrence of certain secondary critical mass phenomena.