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Relaxation oscillations in slow-fast Rosenzweig-MacArthur predator-prey model with additional food

发布时间:2022-11-18 浏览量:119

时   间:  2022-11-18 15:30 — 16:15

地   点:  腾讯会议APP4()
报告人:  王成
单   位:  南京财经大学
邀请人:  张祥
备   注:  腾讯会议号:370-495-153 会议密码:712450

Motivated by real-world considerations, we propose and study a slow-fast predator-prey model in which the predator functional response is  Holling type II  and the predators are provided with additional food. Using geometric singular perturbation theory, we prove the existence and uniqueness of relaxation oscillations for the model. We corroborate our theoretical analysis by numerical simulations. Biological interpretation of relaxation oscillations is also presented.