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Local well-posedness for two-phase fluid motion in Oberbeck-Boussinesq approximation

发布时间:2022-05-25 浏览量:56

时   间:  2022-05-25 14:00 — 15:15

地   点:  腾讯会议 APP3()
报告人:  郝成春
单   位:  中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院
邀请人:  杨雄锋
备   注:  会议时间: 2022年05月25日 14:00 会议时长: 1小时30分钟 会议号: 239 682 448 会议密码: 220525 链接: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/pVRCDhsmX2sO

In this talk, we survey some recent progress of the local well-posedness of solution of the free interface problem to the Oberbeck-Boussinesq approximation for the unsteady motion of a drop in another fluid separated by an unknown closed interface with surface tension. We shall establish the existence and uniqueness of solution of this nonlinear problem by following steps. Firstly, we transform the Oberbeck-Boussinesq approximation by using the Hanzawa transformation from the free interface problem to a fixed interface problem. Secondly, we prove the maximal L^p-L^q regularity for the system and the existence of ℛ-bounded solution operators for the model problems to be used. It is essential to reach the well-posedness of the solution to the Oberbeck-Boussinesq approximation. Thirdly, it is one of the key steps to prove the maximal L^p-L^q  regularity theorem for the linearized heat equation with the help of the ℛ-bounded solution operators for the corresponding resolvent problem and the Weis operator-valued Fourier multiplier theorem. Finally, using maximal L^p-L^q regularities for the two-phase fluid motion of the linearized system to establish the existence and uniqueness of the solutions of nonlinear problem with the help of the contraction mapping principle, in which the differences of nonlinear terms are estimated. It is based on the joint works with Wei Zhang.