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Geometric Methods for Stochastic Hamiltonian Dynamics

发布时间:2022-11-29 浏览量:164

时   间:  2022-11-29 15:00 — 15:45

地   点:  腾讯会议 APP()
报告人:  韦屏远
单   位:  北京国际数学研究中心
邀请人:  王楷植
备   注:  523-433-136

In this talk, we shall give an insight on dynamics of stochastic Hamiltonian systems from the perspective of stochastic differential equations and geometric mechanics. The report mainly includes two parts: Firstly, we will present some results of stochastic (symplectic) Hamiltonian systems with non-Gaussian Levy noise, including symplecticity, Hamilton’s principle and averaging principle. Secondly, we will introduce a stochastic version of contact Hamiltonian systems whose phase flows preserve contact structures. (This talk is based on some joint works with J. Duan, Y. Chao and Z. Wang.)