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Some measure theoretic aspect of HJ equations

发布时间:2022-07-01 浏览量:143

时   间:  2022-07-01 15:00 — 16:00

地   点:  腾讯会议 APP()
报告人:  程伟
单   位:  南京大学
邀请人:  王楷植
备   注:  ID:448-648-665

We will discuss the commutators of Hamilton-Jacobi equations and discuss the controllability issue. This makes us observe some measure theoretic aspect of HJ equation from mass transport point of view. As an application , I will also discuss the Young measure obtained from the variational vector field given by the intrinsic propagation of singularities. This is based on recent joint work with Piermarco Cannarsa and Jiahui Hong.