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[COLLOQUIUM] Traveling Waves in Chemotaxis Models with Logistic Source

发布时间:2022-05-26 浏览量:53

时   间:  2022-05-26 09:00 — 10:00

地   点:  腾讯会议 APP()
报告人:  Wenxian Shen
单   位:  Auburn University
邀请人:  王楷植
备   注:  ID: 951-381-376

Traveling wave solutions are an important class of solutions in many dispersal evolution equations on a whole space. This talk is concerned with traveling wave solutions in chemotaxis models with logistic source. In particular, I will discuss the existence of traveling wave solutions in such models. Special attention will be given to the combined effect of the chemotaxis sensitivity and the logistic damping on the speed of traveling wave solutions.