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[COLLOQUIUM] Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Bacterial Colony Growth with Cell-Cell Mechanical Interactions

发布时间:2022-03-25 浏览量:79

时   间:  2022-03-25 11:00 — 13:00

地   点:  Zoom APP()
报告人:  Bo Li
单   位:  University of California, San Diego
邀请人:  周圣高
备   注:  Join Zoom Meeting https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/92484821102 Meeting ID: 924 8482 1102

Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Bacterial Colony Growth with Cell-Cell Mechanical Interactions

Bo Li
Department of Mathematics and Quantitative Biology Ph.D. Program
University of California, San Diego

The growth of bacterial colony exhibits striking complex patterns and robust scaling laws. Understanding the principles that underlie such growth has far-reaching consequences in biological and health sciences. In this work, we develop a mechanical theory of cell-cell and cell-environmental interactions and construct a hybrid three-dimensional computational model for the growth of E. coli colony on a hard agar surface. Our model consists of microscopic descriptions of the growth, division, and movement of individual cells, and macroscopic diffusion equations for the nutrients. The cell movement is driven by the cellular mechanical interactions. Our large-scale simulations and analysis predict the linear growth of the colony in both the radial and vertical directions in a good agreement with the experimental observations. We find that the mechanical buckling and nutrient penetration are the key factors in determining the underlying growth scalings. This work is the first step toward detailed computational modeling of bacterial growth with mechanical and biochemical interactions. This is joint work with Mya Warren, Hui Sun, Yue Yan, Jonas Cremer, and Terence Hwa.

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Meeting ID: 924 8482 1102
Time: 11:00 am, Friday, March 25