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[吴文俊数学中心综合报告] From the Nash--Kuiper Theorem of Isometric Embeddings to the Euler Equations for Steady Fluid Motions: Analogues, Examples, and Extensions

发布时间:2023-03-07 浏览量:241

时   间:  2023-03-07 17:00 — 18:00

地   点:  Zoom APP()
报告人:  Marshall Slemrod
单   位:  University of Wisconsin-Madison
邀请人:  李思然
备   注:  

Direct linkages between regular or irregular isometric embeddings of surfaces and steady compressible or incompressible fluid dynamics are investigated in this talk. For a surface (M,g) isometrically embedded in R3, we construct a mapping which sends the second fundamental form of the embedding to the density, velocity, and pressure of steady fluid flows on (M,g). From the PDE perspectives, this mapping sends solutions to the Gauss--Codazzi equations to the steady Euler equations. Several families of special solutions of physical or geometrical significance are studied in detail, including the Chaplygin gas on standard and flat tori, as well as the irregular isometric embeddings of the flat torus. We also discuss tentative extensions to multi-dimensions. 

*Zoom Meeting ID: 919 637 6185; Passcode: 314159