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Specification and equilibrium in compact and non-compact world

发布时间:2023-04-12 浏览量:457

时   间:  2023-04-12 14:00 — 15:00

地   点:  会议室(706)
报告人:  王天宇
单   位:  复旦大学
邀请人:  郑骋
备   注:  

In this talk, we will discuss how specification property, which is a topological property on global concatenation of arbitrary orbit segments, can help us in studying thermodynamic formalism of a variety of dynamical systems. The line of the research targets extends from compact and Markov classic systems and reaches those lack of nice and uniform dynamical properties in the non-compact world. The content is based on a sequence of classic work initiating from 1960s, further developments summarized in a survey [Beyond Bowen's specification property, Clinmenhaga&Thompson 2020] and a recent joint work with C&T.