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[Mini Courses] Blow-up in chemotaxis systems. Lectures #3 and #4

发布时间:2022-09-23 浏览量:75

时   间:  2022-09-23 15:00 — 17:00

地   点:  Zoom APP()
报告人:  Michael Winkler
单   位:  University of Paderborn
邀请人:  陶有山
备   注:  Zoom meeting ID: 869 611 1075 Passcode: sjtu1234

Finite-time blow-up in the fully parabolic Keller-Segel system
In this part, the classical Keller-Segel system in its three- and higher-dimensional versions will be analyzed. It is shown how the derivation of results on finite-time blow-up can be based on the use of appropriate functional inequalities in the course of a refined energy analysis.