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On the Strang splitting methods for Allen-Cahn equations

发布时间:2022-09-22 浏览量:178

时   间:  2022-09-22 16:00 — 17:00

地   点:  腾讯会议APP2()
报告人:  权超禹
单   位:  南方科技大学
邀请人:  徐振礼
备   注:  会议号: 804 999 459 会议密码: 638778

We consider a class of second-order Strang splitting methods for Allen-Cahn equations with polynomial or logarithmic nonlinearities. For the polynomial case both the linear and the nonlinear propagators are computed explicitly. We show that this type of Strang splitting scheme is unconditionally stable regardless of the time step. Moreover we establish strict energy dissipation for a judiciously modified energy which coincides with the classical energy up to $\mathcal O(\tau)$ where $\tau$ is the time step. For the logarithmic potential case, since the continuous-time nonlinear propagator no longer enjoys explicit analytic treatments, we employ a second order in time two-stage implicit Runge-Kutta nonlinear propagator. We prove a maximum principle which ensures phase separation and establish energy dissipation law under mild restrictions on the time step. These appear to be the first rigorous results on the energy dissipation of Strang splitting methods for Allen-Cahn equations.