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[Mini Courses] Blow-up in chemotaxis systems. Lectures #1 and #2

发布时间:2022-09-22 浏览量:61

时   间:  2022-09-22 15:00 — 17:00

地   点:  Zoom APP()
报告人:  Michael Winkler
单   位:  University of Paderborn
邀请人:  陶有山
备   注:  Zoom meeting ID: 869 611 1075 Passcode: sjtu1234

Basic existence theory for chemotaxis systems. Boundedness results
Basic results and methods from theories of local solvability and extensibility will be introduced. These will be applied to some selected problem classes of particular relevance, for which ranges of key parameters will be identified within which global existence and boundedness can be asserted.