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Local-in-time entropy-bounded strong solutions to vacuum free boundary problem of the full compressible Navier-Stokes equations

发布时间:2022-11-03 浏览量:87

时   间:  2022-11-03 14:30 — 15:30

地   点:  腾讯会议APP4()
报告人:  袁源
单   位:  华南师范大学
邀请人:  朱圣国
备   注:  会议时间:2022/11/03 13:15-16:15 (GMT+08:00) 中国标准时间 - 北京 #腾讯会议:624-498-451会议密码:202211

Joint with Dr. Xin LIU from Texas A&M University, the speaker recently obtained some well or ill-posedness results on entropy-bounded strong solutions to the vacuum free boundary problem of the nonisentropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations: the local-in-time existence and uniqueness of strong solutions in 3D, the stability of a class of global-in-time large self-similar solutions for 3D spherically symmetric flows without bulk viscosity and heat conductivity, and immediately blowup of entropy-bounded strong solutions under improper degenerate conditions on the density and temperature across the vacuum boundary.  This talk mainly focus on the proof of the local-in-time well-posedness result.

袁源,华南师范大学副教授。2018年于香港中文大学获理学博士学位。毕业之曾于意大利布雷西亚大学从事博士后研究工作。目前主持国家青年项目一项。他的研究集中在流体力学方程组的理论研究方面,部分成果已经发表在JMPA, SIAM,JDE等国际权威期刊上。