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A Singular limit of shallow water dynamics with fast variable coefficients

发布时间:2023-03-27 浏览量:146

时   间:  2023-03-27 10:30 — 11:30

地   点:  会议室(706)
报告人:  Ju Qiangchang
单   位:  Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics
邀请人:  杨雄锋
备   注:  

For flows in the equatorial zone, one has to take into account the variations of the Coriolis force since the Coriolis force totally degenerates at the equator. This makes the problem more intricate as one is  faced with a singular limit problem with variable coefficient. We study the singular limit of the equatorial shallow-water system which describes the motion of the atmosphere/ocean in the equatorial zone. Based on the convergence result of Durtrifoy, Majda and Schochet [Comm. Pure Appl. Math(2009)], we further obtain the convergence rate estimates of the solutions. This is a recent joint work with Prof. Jiang, Song and Prof. Xu, Xin.