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Interfacial structures between modulated phases: computational approach

发布时间:2023-03-30 浏览量:101

时   间:  2023-03-30 16:00 — 17:45

地   点:  会议室(706)
报告人:  徐劼
单   位:  中科院计算所
邀请人:  杨志国
备   注:  

Modulated phases possess intrinsic symmetries. Interfaces between them exhibits how different symmetries are connected, where relative orientation and displacement are essential variables. We introduce the setting and numerical methods for the computation of interfacial structures. The function space and boundary conditions are carefully chosen to be consistent with bulk phases, where quasiperiodic functions are necessary. Such a system is characterized by several local energy minimizers corresponding to interfaces at different locations. To deal with general orientations with adequate accuracy, spectral methods by Fourier series and generalized Jacobi polynomials are adopted. We present interfaces of various phases to illustrate the points above, and examine the strctures by a novel spectral viewpoint.